The Olympic Format

How Does it work?

Unlike other sailing disciplines, the Olympic Kiteracing format involves two competitors completing the racecourse in a team as fast as possible. Thereby one team is made up of one female and one male member.

The course sailed is displayed here and can be followed thorughout the explanation: First, Team Member A starts in a small fleet at Start A. The fleet has to go upwind, round mark 1 and return to the starting boat in a slalom-manner around marks 4 and 5. Once Team Member A passes its finish line, Team Member B -which has been waiting right of the starting boat- is allowed to cross Start B and complete the same course as Team Member A did. After rounding the last mark 5, it is just one more short leg to the Finish of the race.


This Video by Levitaz and the Formula Kite class is a perfect example for the olympic race format.

It shows the final race of the 2020 Formula Kite Mixed Team Relay European Championships in wich Connor Bainbridge and Elli Aldridge claimed the European Championship title.